
You’ll find flyers on trauma recovery on their download page in English, German, French, Spanish, Russian, Hebrew, Arabic en Greek.

They also have a download page, where you’ll find the trauma recovery flyer in the above languages, but also in Danish and Italian.

The Icarus Project is a support network and education project by and for people who experience the world in ways that are often diagnosed as mental illness.

Lots of downloadable resources at TIP and they also organise trainings!


Trainings & workshops

The Ulex Project offers high-quality trainings building social movement capacity for social justice and ecological integrity.

Offers courses, events and retreats which support the realisation of our human potential and the development of an ecological consciousness honouring our mutual belonging within the web of life – drawing on the Buddhist Dharma and the emerging ecological paradigms of our time.

Stroomversnellers ondersteunen individuen, groepen/organisaties en campagnes om de vaardigheden en helderheid te ontwikkelen die nodig zijn om verandering in de wereld te bewerkstelligen. Met het geven van advies, trainingen, workshops en het faciliteren van bijeenkomsten versnellen wij de stroom van jouw beweging.